我们发现 360 文件 匹配您的搜索条件

  1. Peptan whitepaper: Beauty from within

    Rousselot carried out a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study to investigate Peptan B’s benefits on skin and hair beauty. Download whitepaper here. What's included: The beauty from within trend The role collagen in our skin and hair The clinical science that was carried out to

  2. Rousselot赞助第二届运动员发展营养大会

    下载我们最新的白皮书 Janne Prawitt 博士和 Frank Engel 先生分别担任 Peptan 科学总监和 Peptan 全球市场拓展经理,二位将向大家介绍 Peptan 在改善运动后恢复和运动表现上的最新临床研究成果。届时我们将邀请宾客参观我方展台,了解更多 Peptan 背后的科学及其配方,并品尝 Peptan 应用食品,如营养棒等。 运动营养的优质胶原蛋白解决方案 对众多运动员而言,营养补充剂是其日常生活中必不可少的一部分。因此,罗赛洛开发了一系列产品,有助运动员改进营养方案,最终帮助其实现目标。 Peptan ® 胶原蛋白肽:安全的生物活性成分,帮助运动爱好者缩短运动后恢

  3. Rousselot®在Vitafoods 2019上展示具有个人风格的市场化营养解决方案

    推出促进关节健康的 Peptan IIm B 继 2018 年推出猪源性 Ⅱ 型水解胶原蛋白基质 Peptan IIm P 后,在全球热切期待中,罗赛洛现隆重推出牛源性 Peptan IIm B,为寻求配制 II 型胶原蛋白肽关节保健品的制造商提供更多选择。这一最新配料成分的推出是对 Peptan 胶原蛋白肽解决方案系列产品的有力补充,该系列产品经过科学验证,仍在不断拓展中。其中包括罗赛洛现有的 Peptan I 型胶原蛋白肽,在一项 新科学研究 [1] 中,已证明可以缓解肌肉酸痛和加速肌肉恢复。 贴合市场的个性化需求解决方案 Innova Market Insights 将“定制饮食 (Ea

  4. Meeting sports nutrition challenges at FIBO 2019 with PEPTAN® and PROTAKE™

    Promoting sports recovery with Peptan Peptan provide multiple health benefits for those who are looking to sustain a healthy lifestyle with regular and intense physical activity. With a unique nutritional profile, Peptan collagen peptides contains high levels of amino acids glycine, hydroxyproline,

  5. Rousselot®和Firmalis在CFIA 2019上展示了新的Peptan®合作伙伴关系

    在法国市场创立领先的胶原蛋白肽品牌 Firmalis将向法国市场推出Peptan系列胶原蛋白肽产品,包括I型胶原蛋白肽 Peptan。Peptan是一种具有独特生物活性成分的多肽,由特有的氨基酸序列组成,能够带来多重健康益处,实现健康老龄化、保持关节和骨骼健康。此外,Peptan IIm是一种II型水解胶原蛋白基质,含有生物活性肽和 GAG,它将首次在法国的大型展会上登场。Peptan IIm旨在通过保护软骨,增加缓冲和润滑,从而减少炎症,为关节健康提供进一步的支持。 公布一项关于 Peptan 对运动后恢复的益处的新研究 Firmalis将介绍由Rousselot领导开展的一项新的临床科学支

  6. Rousselot showcases collagen and protein solutions at FIBO 2019

    Peptan® Collagen Peptides: a safe, bioactive ingredient for sport-lovers looking to shorten recovery time Collagen peptides are fast becoming one of the most popular ingredients in the sports nutrition industry. This is due to an increasing number of clinical studies and reviews that demonstrate col

  7. Rousselot adds a personal touch to joint health and sports nutrition at SSW 2019

    Rousselot ® /Peptan ® , booth 2137, Supply Side West, Las Vegas, Nevada, 17 – 19 October 2019 Rousselot, the leading global producer of gelatin and collagen peptides solutions, will introduce to the US market its latest addition to the Peptan IIm range at this year’s Supply Side West. With a focus o

  8. Firmalis宣布成为Peptan法国的官方分销商

    市场对胶原蛋白肽的需求不断飙升,建立合作伙伴关系将使双方从中受益 罗赛洛特此宣布,已指定 Firmalis 为其 Pepan 胶原蛋白肽在法国的官方独家经销商。Firmalis 专门从事食品和营养行业的调味品和配料经销,拥有 50 年的丰富行业经验,为市场提供广泛的产品类别和服务。Firmalis 为 Lavolle SA 集团旗下公司,Lavolle SA是一家知名的化学、营养和药物组分经销商。Lavolle 将负责 Peptan 在法国医药市场中的开发管理工作。 Firmalis 的销售经理 Mathieu Tixier 强调了这种新合作伙伴关系将给双方带来益处:“一方面,与罗赛洛合作进一

  9. Rousselot as the collagen peptides supplier of Papendal’s pro athletes

    Rousselot as the collagen peptides supplier of Papendal’s pro athletes Peptan to help elite performers reach for new heights Rousselot has been announced as the supplier of collagen peptides to professional athletes training at High Performance Centre Papendal in the Netherlands. The partnership mea

  10. Rousselot invites you to visit us at FIC 2019

    FIC 2019 brings together 1,000 domestic and 500 foreign well-known companies from 33 countries and regions highlighting new achievements in the field of food additives and ingredients. FIC stands out by a wealth of technology and product demonstrations: 3 high-end conferences, more than 50 new produ