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  1. [Translate to Chinese:] 404 page not found

    Oops, page not found It's a 404. Don't worry! There is always a way out, let's take you back home Or you can also take a break and watch some videos first

  2. 国际妇女节 对罗赛洛的女性来说,平等是什么样的?

    性别平等是一个必不可少的话题。在罗赛洛,我们希望建立一个安全和包容的工作场所:团队成员总是根据他们的技能来选择,而不是基于性别、收入、年龄、残疾、性取向、种族、阶层或宗教等特征。甚至在罗赛洛强调其与联合国(UN)可持续发展目标(SDG)高度契合之前,我们就在以这种方式运作。 为了解更多关于性别平等的重要性,我们询问了罗赛洛公司员工的想法。 Andrea Moura 营销销售总监 罗赛洛健康与营养北美公司 我认为我们正走在正确的道路上,但仍有很多事情要做。我是第一个在罗赛洛担任区域营销销售总监的女性,那是4年多以前的事,所以算是挺近的。 阅读更多... 给女性的机会在增加,但我相信我们还可以为女

  3. Quali-Pure 产品系列

    Quali-Pure What is Quali-Pure? The Quali-Pure ® range of clinical grade gelatins offers medical manufacturers endotoxin-controlled gelatins, providing guaranteed biocompatibility, biodegradability, and batch-to-batch consistency. It is designed to meet high quality and safety standards. The whole ra

  4. Ir. Tanja Vervust

    Ir. Tanja Vervust Global Director, Rousselot Biomedical Tanja holds an MSc in Bioscience Engineering from Ghent University and has over 25 years of experience with Rousselot. In January 2018, Tanja was appointed Global Director Rousselot Biomedical. Which aspect of your work inspires you the most? A

  5. 比利时根特的绿色屋顶

    根特市非常重视环境,并在环保领域开展了多项行动,例如设立无高污染车辆的低排放区。罗赛洛根特厂也遵循相同的理念,以减少其工业活动造成的影响。建造绿色屋顶就是在工厂进行可持续发展项目的一个例子。下图为种植了多肉的屋顶,它们是一种非常独立的植物。 这种建筑设计方式,是罗赛洛达成 联合国 (UN) 可持续发展目标 (SDG)第七项 的一部分,其目的是 提供廉价的清洁能源 。 绿色屋顶还带来了很多其他好处:它对大量雨水形成阻缓作用,以保证雨水能延缓排入下水道系统中。此外,屋顶具备缓冲能力,有助于抵御寒冷和高温。 该绿色屋顶的安装凸显了罗赛洛的目标:即无论在何时何地,都尽量通过采取务实的措施来帮助减少生产

  6. 新闻-罗素生物医学

    新闻概述 Biomedical , rousselot Darling Ingredients’ Health Brand Rousselot Announces Online Access to Research- and Technical-Grade X-Pure Gelatins through BIO INX Darling Ingredients’ health brand Rousselot, a global leader in gelatin- and collagen-based solutions, announced today that its high-qualit

  7. 关于罗塞洛生物医学的博客和推荐信

    博客概述 Biomedical Biomaterials for safe & effective embolization As medical procedures and technologies are advancing, embolization is becoming an increasingly common method for minimally invasive interventions. From treating internal bleeding to targeting abnormal… Aug 30 Biomedical New possibilities

  8. [Translate to Chinese:] Download X-Pure whitepapers

    Whitepaper on Rousselot low endotoxin gelatins and collagens for biomedical applications. X-Pure Whitepaper: Low endotoxin gelatins and collagens for (bio)medical applications X-Pure Whitepaper: Gelatin for safe micro- and submicron Particle applications X-Pure Whitepaper: Low endotoxin gelatins in