我们发现 236 文件 匹配您的搜索条件

  1. 甜点-罗赛洛(Rousselot)功能成分制成的世界一流明胶

    不可替代的甜点强化剂 明胶是一种用于多种甜点中的原料成分 - 不仅食品制造商使用,而且广泛用于世界各地的厨房。其易用性和相当广泛的功能打开了有趣和创意完美甜点的大门。它可速凝,同时还能为甜点提色并提升其透明度。 水果冻:明亮、出人意料的甜点 罗赛洛功能性配料提供的解决方案广泛用于水果冻。它们的胶凝性和水结合特性,加上其增亮和提升透明度的能力,使其在打造色泽明亮、出人意料的果冻甜点方面,成为理想的配料成分。 糕点馅料和涂层 您可以通过明胶基糕点馅料和涂层解决方案制作美味的甜点。明胶由于其优异的发泡、涂覆和稳定性能,成为糕点馅料和涂层的理想配料成分。

  2. 肉和鱼肉冻-Rousselot的世界一流明胶

    明胶和胶原蛋白是肉类产品的天然补充成分 罗赛洛功能性配料提供优质的明胶和胶原蛋白,它们是纯动物蛋白,可以作为肉类产品的天然补充成分。它们的结合性、乳化、稳定和胶凝特性使其成为各种肉类、鱼类和肉冻产品的理想配料成分。 适合用于多种肉类食品应用中 明胶和胶原蛋白是优质蛋白质,适合用于多种肉类食品应用中。 熟压火腿和熟蹄膀 肉糜 火腿(水解明胶) 肉类罐头产品 获得我们的姊妹品牌 携手罗赛洛功能性配料,也意味着可享受与其他 Darling Ingredients 品牌的协同作用。例如 Sonac ,一家提供天然、可持续脂肪、蛋白质、矿物质和用于各种食品中的特殊配料成分的全球供应商。或 CTH ,一家

  3. Rousselot中国地区

    我们的销售办事处 罗赛洛中国(针对中国市场) 中国上海徐汇区漕溪北路18号实业大厦25A 邮编:200030 电话: +86 21 6427 7337 我们的生产基地 罗赛洛(大安) 罗赛洛(大安)明胶有限公司 中国吉林省大安市安北街5号 邮编:131300 电话: +86 436 529 1002 罗赛洛(温州) 罗赛洛(温州)明胶有限公司 中国浙江省温州市平阳县敖江 钱仓镇梅浦路1号 邮编:325411 电话: +86 577 6368 1333 罗赛洛(广东) 罗赛洛(广东)明胶有限公司 中国广东省开平市三埠区 兴冲街68号 电话: +86 750 221 2323

  4. Download whitepaper

    Whitepaper: Delivery Forms Whitepaper: Choosing the right excipient Whitepaper: Softgel

  5. Videos on X-Pure

    Watch our videos on X-Pure range Watch our presentations and conferences

  6. Zero emission event

    Did you watch the movie of our Innovation Days 2022? Get a glimpse of these two days… Net-Zero Carbon Event We all love attending inspiring events. We also know that events have an impact: travel, hospitality, comfort, catering, digital presentations, all of these and more generate gas emissions tha

  7. Christophe Jauquet

    Christophe Jauquet Health Business Expert, Healthusiasm Christophe Jauquet is an internationally recognized author & keynote speaker. Before starting his own business, Christophe held various roles as an intrapreneur at Pfizer Inc., for which he received several global innovation awards. Later, he d

  8. Peptan and ProTake Infographics

    We have found 2 documents matching your search criteria Peptan P infographic Category: Health Document type: PDF English Spanish Chinese Japanese Portuguese Holistic wellbeing Category: Health Document type: PDF English 1

  9. Gelatin-based Solutions at COMPAMED for medical devices

    If you are interested in learning more about our gelatin-based solutions at Compamed, we encourage you to visit Booth 8AK14 during the event. Rousselot's experts will be on hand to provide information and answer your questions. Contact us to arrange a meeting with our specialists in advance! We’re l

  10. Join Rousselot's innovation & inspiration days in April 2020

    During these 2 days, we’ll explore the latest innovations in the science of collagen, while looking at new opportunities emerging in promising fields, one day at time Day 1: Biomedical applications Day 2: (Sports) Health & Nutrition 2 sessions each day : 9:15 - 11:15am CEST 4:15 - 6:15pm CEST Are in