我们发现 360 文件 匹配您的搜索条件

  1. Zerion Pharma ApS extends its licensing agreement with Rousselot B.V

    According to the revised license agreement, Rousselot grants Zerion Pharma an exclusive license to exploit the inventions covered by the patent family belonging to international patent application WO 2017/186889. The revision of the license agreement follows the recent grant of a key European Patent

  2. Rousselot破纪录的Simogel加快了胶凝速度

    SiMoGel 于 2017 年底首次推出,采用猪或牛明胶制成,旨在帮助糖果制造商和功能性糖果制造商在无淀粉环境中生产明胶软糖,罗赛洛始终致力于推进明胶软糖无淀粉成型解决方案,并与英国一家为全球糖果和烘焙行业提供工艺技术和设备的Baker Perkins公司合作完成了应用测试。 罗赛洛产品和业务发展经理 Jeff Daelman 说:“随着消费者对功能性糖果需求的不断增长,淀粉的再循环使用和如何保持洁净的生产环境正在成为一种障碍。因此,无淀粉成型技术越来越受到欢迎,因为它是一种清洁卫生的替代技术,设备要求的凝胶时间也比较短,而通常在淀粉模中需要最少 24 小时。 通过优化产品和工艺参数,我们第

  3. 罗素(Rousselot)通过Simogel的成功进一步提升了糖果制造的门槛

    FIC2019这一极具行业凝聚力的展览会,有来自全球33个国家和地区的1568家国内外知名企业携食品添加剂和配料领域最新成果全新亮相,其中在国际展区参展的有500家。丰富的技术和产品展示,三场高端论坛会以及50多场新产品新技术发布会将为食品业界呈现食品添加剂和配料行业本年度最华丽的篇章! 罗赛洛诚邀您莅临展会,参观我们的展台并倾听我们的研讨会,获取行业前沿的研究讯息。 FIC时间为3月18日-20日(9:00-17:00),罗赛洛展台号为 51D06/51F07 (5.1馆)。 我们的研讨会将于 3月18日(FIC首日)10:00 ,在 M5-03 剧院式会议室举办。 恭候您的到来。 请使用手

  4. Presentations, conferences on X-Pure

    31st conference of the European Society of Biomaterials conference 2021 Session discussion highlights include: Speakers: Dr Jeroen Leijten, University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands & Dr Jeff Daelman , Business Development Manager, Innovations at Rousselot Biomedical The unique properties of Gelat

  5. Videos on X-Pure range

    Watch our videos on X-Pure Endotoxins & cellular activity In biomedical R&D and clinical applications, endotoxins can trigger a strong fatal immune response. X-Pure GelMA minimizes the risk of prolonged or sustained inflamation caused by endotoxin exposure. Jos Olijve, Rousselot Scientific Support M

  6. Rousselot Biomedical Research Posters

    Download our research posters We have found 3 documents matching your search criteria The importance of coating biomaterial type and endotoxin levels in 2D cell culturing Category: Research posters Document type: PDF English Influence of autoclave sterilization of gelatin Category: Research posters

  7. A view from the Bench (article from Barbara Vanhoecke)

    Implantable Medical Textiles and Membranes Implantable medical textiles made from bioabsorbable materials can provide scaffolds and support to tissue following trauma or surgical procedures. Implantable medical textiles, woven or non-woven, prepared from gelatin are designed to mimic the properties

  8. 罗赛洛®将在 Vitafoods 2021 展会上,以创新样品展示具有多重健康益处的明胶和胶原蛋白肽解决方案

    简单方便,兼具全面功能: SiMoGel 强化功能软糖用明胶解决方案 罗赛洛最新的 SiMoGel 解决方案解锁了功能型流质内馅夹心软糖在膳食营养和制药领域的潜力。这些夹心软糖也叫做“软糖胶囊”,相比传统的明胶功能性软糖,此类夹心软糖每颗封装的活性药物成分( API )剂量更高、更精准。 SiMoGel 的无淀粉生产工艺消除了 API 相互作用或者不同批次之间交叉污染的风险,凝胶时间只需短短 15 分钟,因此可以提高产品交付速度,帮助制造商们提升利润率。 莅临罗赛洛展位的参观者可以体验 SiMoGel 的多项创新应用理念,其涉及到的特色成分包括用于提升免疫力的锌和 Lipofer ™ 微囊(含

  9. Rousselot Selected to Support Athletes on the Road to the Olympic Games - Paris 2024

    Rousselot and Papendal began collaborating on various R&D projects relating to sports nutrition in 2015. The collaboration evolved further in 2019, with Rousselot becoming Papendal’s official supplier of collagen peptides, providing Dutch athletes with high quality nutritional support. In addition t

  10. With X-PURE®, Rousselot sets a new gelatin standard for in-body applications

    Reaching further together with our customers: creative sharing at Rousselot Innovation Days Gelatin, a widely used biomaterial for pharma and medical applications Designed by nature, with low allergenicity and fully compatible with the human body, gelatin has been Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS)