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  3. 新的临床研究突出了Peptan®胶原蛋白肽在运动恢复中的功效

    最新临床研究强调 PEPTAN® 胶原蛋白肽在运动恢复中的功效 全球领先的胶原蛋白和明胶生产商罗赛洛公布了一项新的临床研究证明其Peptan胶原蛋白肽中的有效成分 有益于运动恢复。 该科研项目是与英国纽卡斯尔大学的顶尖级科学家合作开展的。研究结果表明,胶原蛋白肽有助于在体力活动后修复结缔组织,在用做运动营养类膳食补充剂时还能防止损伤。 1 这项双盲随机安慰剂对照临床试验涉及 24 名活跃的年轻男性,一组人每天服用20克Peptan(早上 10 克,晚上 10 克),另一组则用安慰剂代替。该试验分析了受试者在补充前(基线值)、运动前、运动后以及体力活动后 24 小时和 48 小时的表现情况(通过

  4. Rousselot announces the latest results of published study on the effects of Peptan® on bone remodelling

    A new study led by Rousselot and INRA presents scientific evidence that Peptan® collagen peptides improve overall bone health by simultaneously targeting bone formation and bone resorption. Rousselot, a Darling Ingredient global brand and a leading global manufacturer of gelatin and collagen peptide

  5. Rousselot invites visitors to build a healthier future at HiE 2018

    Rousselot® booth 8G71, Health Ingredients Europe - HiE, Frankfurt, Germany 27-29 November 2018 At this year’s Health Ingredients Europe 2018, Rousselot will welcome attendees to booth 8G71 to experience its leading food and nutrition solutions. This includes Peptan ® collagen peptides for holistic h

  6. ‘DIVINE FROZEN YOGURT’ with Peptan

    The ‘Diving Frozen Yogurt’ with Peptan has just been nominated as one of the World Dairy Innovation Awards 2017 finalists in the Best functional dairy product category. Divine Frozen Yogurt is an innovative recipe for success. Building on solid scientific research into the health and skin beauty ben

  7. Rousselot inaugurates a State-of-the-Art Pilot Hall in Ghent - rousselot.com/health

    运营总监 Frederic Martin 发表评论说:“将我们产品开发的所有关键阶段都集中于这个中试车间中完成,这将发挥不同工序间的协同作用,并提升效率。我们现在的定位比以往任何时候都准确,更有能力推动目标市场的创新,从而与客户携手共赢未来。” 2018年3月,罗赛洛根特工厂经理 Guido Vanderstappen(已故) 为该中试车间奠基。不到一年的时间,这座新建筑的正式落成仪式就在罗赛洛的管理层、根特工厂员工以及 Guido Vanderstappen 的家人的见证下隆重举行了。根特工厂作为罗赛洛的旗舰工厂,毫无疑问,新的中试车间的落成,让它在今天备受瞩目。 运营总监 Frederic

  8. Peptan IIm入围了《​​ Food Matters Live》大奖

    Peptan IIm is a finalist in Food Matters Live Award GREAT EXPOSURE FOR OUR NEW JOINT HEALTH INGREDIENT Peptan IIm, our new hydrolyzed collagen type II matrix, has been announced as a finalist in the Best Functional Ingredient of the Year category at this year’s Food Matters Live Awards . Peptan IIm

  9. Peptan宣布赞助Alecto自行车队

    Peptan to sponsor Alecto Cycling Team Peptan, the world’s leading collagen peptide brand, has become the proud sponsor of the Alecto Cycling Team, a Netherlands-based, semi-professional bicycle racing team. The team was founded in 2010 and has since been selected to participate in the Continental Ci

  10. 来自特定动物来源的胶原蛋白肽是否比其他动物肽更好?

    实际上,当胶原蛋白水解时,其大的三螺旋氨基酸链会分解为氨基酸的小肽,在其中它们被吸收,消化并传递到我们体内的作用部位。 到目前为止,还没有科学证据表明胶原蛋白肽在体内的作用取决于动物来源。 实际上,这更多地取决于个人的偏好。