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  1. Agenda Day 2

    Did you watch the movie of our Innovation Days 2022? Get a glimpse of these two days… April 20th, 2023 Please note that the agenda is still subject to minor changes. Important information! Please make sure to be present at least 20 minutes before our event is due to start! 8:30 am- Welcome Coffee 9:

  2. 南美食品配料中的Peptan

    Rousselot focuses on pharma-grade gelatin and multi-benefit collagen peptides at FiSA Rousselot®, stand #240, Food Ingredients South America, Sao Paolo, Brazil, 22 – 24 August 2017 On stand 240 at FiSA, Sao Paolo, Rousselot® will highlight its leading portfolio of pharmaceutical-grade gelatins, whic

  3. Rousselot® brings unique hair beauty experience to IN-COSMETICS GLOBAL 2022 with ingestible Peptan® collagen peptides

    Nurturing hair beauty from the root with ingestible collagen peptides In the beauty market, there is currently a high demand for nutricosmetic products offering skin and hair beauty benefits. In the hair beauty segment, beyond the classic personal care products, consumers are increasingly relying on

  4. 管理废料

    零废料目标 Rousselot 为循环经济做出了巨大贡献,这意味着我们很少甚至没有产生任何废料,而且还帮助系统实现了再生。我们借助自身过硬的科学专业知识,从副产品中创造价值,从而实现了这一目标。 赋予富含胶原蛋白材料相应的价值 通过不断完善我们的技术,我们成功研发出高价值的胶原蛋白产品。这意味着这种产品具有最优的质量,其成分的特性、功能、营养价值能够满足世界各地人们所期望的健康益处。 升级改造,确保发挥最大效用 从原材料中提取的明胶和胶原蛋白会产生一些宝贵的副产品,我们会赋予这些产品一定的价值。这也是实现零废料、循环经济的一种可行方式。我们所有的副产品经过加工后均可用于制作饲料或肥料: 那些具

  5. Rousselot Biomedical Infographics

    Download our product leaflets We have found 5 documents matching your search criteria X-Pure GelMA, a customizable solution Category: Biomedical Document type: PDF English X-Pure bridges the gap between research and patient Category: Biomedical Document type: PDF English Unlocking clinical trials wi

  6. Rousselot于1891年在法国成立-世界一流的明胶生产商。

    成立于 1891 年 1891 年由 Edouard Rousselot 在法国成立 Rousselot。作为一个家族企业,从创立之初我们就承诺优质、安全的产品,使我们能够发展对明胶和相关配料的理解 - 包括业务和技术上的内容 - 这一成果举世无双。今天,我们的公司提供最广泛的可用明胶和胶原蛋白。 2002 年,Rousselot 成为 VION Ingredients 的一部分。VION Ingredients 是开发和生产动物源性特种配料的全球领导者。六年后,我们收购了 Peptan,进一步巩固了我们的全球地位,成为世界领先的胶原蛋白多肽品牌。2014 年,Rousselot 成为 Dar

  7. Rousselot Innovation Days - Practical information

    Did you watch the movie of our Innovation Days 2022? Get a glimpse of these two days… Practical Information Dates 19th April, 2023 – from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm, followed by a dinner up to 10:00 pm 20th April, 2023 – from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm, including a a light lunch Please make sure to be present at le

  8. Rousselot Biomedical presentation highlights from the 31st conference of the European Society of Biomaterials conference 2021’

    Watch the session with Dr Leijten from the University of Twente and Dr Daelman from Rousselot Session discussion highlights include: The unique properties of Gelatin for 3D bioprinting: The use of gelatin to stably incorporate nanoparticles into printable bio-inks. The biocompatibility of Gelatin fo

  9. Ir. Tanja Vervust

    Ir. Tanja Vervust Global Director, Rousselot Biomedical Tanja holds an MSc in Bioscience Engineering from Ghent University and has over 25 years of experience with Rousselot. In January 2018, Tanja was appointed Global Director Rousselot Biomedical. Which aspect of your work inspires you the most? A

  10. Find Rousselot Biomedical at five leading bio-industry events in Q4, 2022

    We are looking forward to reconnecting with our Bio and MedTech partners in person to discuss their application development challenges and find the optimal biomaterial to help fast track to market. In addition, we will showcase our latest research and range of world-class gelatins which have been de