Full reference list 1-13 from Rousselot Health & Nutrition collagen for beauty from within brochure

  1. Grand View Research, ‘Nutricosmetics Market Analysis and Segment Forecasts to 2025, 2019.
  2. Euromonitor, ‘International Beauty and Personal Care Industry Insights Survey’, 2018. 
  3. Rousselot unpublished study, www.rousselot.com/health/media/news/new-clinical-study-confirms-peptan-efficacy-for-skin-beauty-and-hair-strength, accessed on 09 June 2020. 
  4. Rousselot unpublished study, www.rousselot.com/health/media/news/new-clinical-study-confirms-peptan-efficacy-for-skin-beauty-and-hair-strength, accessed on 09 June 2020. 
  5. J. Asserin et al., ‘The effect or oral collagen peptide supplementation on skin moisture and the dermal collagen network: evidence from an ex vivo model and randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trials.’,  J of Cosmetic Dermatol, vol. 14, no. 4, pg. 291-301. 
  6. S. Edgar et al., ‘Effects of collagen-derived bioactive peptides and natural antioxidant compounds on proliferation and matrix protein synthesis by cultured normal human dermal fibroblasts’, Scientific reports, vol. 8, no. 1, pg. 10474. 
  7. H. Matsumoto et al., ‘Clinical effects of fish type I collagen hydrolysate on skin properties. ITE Letters on Batteries’, New Technologies and Medicine, vol. 7, no. 4, pg. 386-390.
  8. C. Oba et al., ‘Collagen hydrolysate intake improves the loss of epidermal barrier function and skin elasticity induced by UVB irradiation in hairless mice’, Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed, vol. 29, no. 4, pg. 204-211.
  9. H. Ohara et al., ‘Improvement in the moisture content of the stratum corneum following 4 weeks of collagen hydrolysate ingestion’, Food Science and Technology Research, vol. 56, no. 3., pg. 137-145.
  10. N. Inoue et al., ‘Ingestion of bioactive collagen hydrolysates enhance facial skin moisture and elasticity and reduce facial ageing signs in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study’, J Sci Food Agric, vol. 96, no. 12, pg. 4077-4081.
  11. J. H. Chung et al., ‘Modulation of skin collagen metabolism in aged and photoaged human skin in vivo’, J Invest Dermatol, vol. 117, no. 5, pg. 1218-1224.
  12. M. Borumand et al., ‘Daily consumption of the collagen supplement Pure Gold Collagen® reduces visible signs of aging’, Clinical Interventions in Aging, vol. 9, pg. 1747-1758.
  13. A. J. Kleinnijenhuis et al., ‘Non-targeted and targeted analysis of collagen hydrolysates during the course of digestion and absorption’, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, vol. 412, pg. 973-982.