ProTake: rising to the formulation challenge 

Thanks to research developments at Rousselot, product recipes can now be reformulated or redesigned with increased collagen content, reduced fat and sugar, as well as an improved texture and taste. By working closely with food producers, Rousselot’s Application Laboratory has developed a new portfolio of hydrolyzed collagen products, ProTake. Our team offers an array of recipes as well as application expertise, helping you to incorporate collagen in your application. We also offer support in formulation, regulations, and marketing, as you develop your new collagen product.

‘For more than 30 years, we have dedicated ourselves to finding the best solutions for our customers. We aim to keep expanding our knowledge in food science knowledge,and to create collagen products that make life easier for our customers. This is why I’m so proud to present our range of ProTake products, in which we apply our collagen expertise to finetuned products that will solve the challenges our customers are facing in their search for innovative, tasty, and – most of all – healthy products.’

Claude Capdepon, Global Coordinator, Rousselot Application Laboratories

Which ProTake solution do you need?  

Protake Bars

Suitable for all type of bars: energy bars, snack bars, meal replacer bars, protein bars, and more.

Protake Powder

Suitable for flavor blends, premixes, and ready-to-drink (RTD) formulations.

Protake Foods

Suitable for reformulated snacks, bakery, desserts, soups, and more...

Unlocking aplication potential

Learn more about ProTake