明胶和胶原蛋白肽被美国食品和药品管理局 (US FDA) 确定为“一般公认安全 (GRAS)”产品,并符合美国、欧洲和日本药典要求。但是,由于内毒素的存在,传统方式生产的明胶和胶原蛋白肽在敏感(生物)医药上的应用受到了挑战。
内毒素或脂多糖是高免疫原性的大分子,是革兰氏阴性细菌细胞壁的主要成分。在特定的体内生物医药产品中,已经制定了内毒素限值,以确保患者安全。普通明胶用在这些产品中,要想达到内毒素限值比较困难:传统方式生产的明胶和胶原蛋白肽中的内毒素水平通常比美国食品药品监督管理局 (USFDA) 推荐的内毒素水平高 100 倍以上。
对于体内应用,即使含量很低,内毒素也可能构成严重的健康风险。当暴露于免疫系统时,内毒素会引发免疫反应,从而导致组织炎症、对其他过敏源的敏感性增加甚至导致致命性休克风险 (Weil 与 Spink,1957 年)。
Did you know that 176 medical devices have been recalled by the FDA since 2005 due to high endotoxin levels…
Between 2005 and 1st of September 2021, the FDA recalled 176 medical devices owing to high levels of bacterial endotoxin. Patients exposed to bacterial endotoxin levels that are higher than those specified by the FDA for drugs and devices, could develop an acute inflammatory response.
Always select purified excipients to ensure your medical device or biomedical application for in-body use, has the lowest possible endotoxin content. X-Pure® gelatins are intensely purified, providing a safe biomaterial for applications development that supports rapid translation from lab to clinic.