We have found 325 documents matching your search criteria

  1. Rousselot Biomedical Infographics

    Download our product leaflets We have found 5 documents matching your search criteria X-Pure GelMA, a customizable solution Category: Biomedical Document type: PDF English X-Pure bridges the gap between research and patient Category: Biomedical Document type: PDF English Unlocking clinical trials wi

  2. With X-PURE®, Rousselot sets a new gelatin standard for in-body applications

    Reaching further together with our customers: creative sharing at Rousselot Innovation Days Gelatin, a widely used biomaterial for pharma and medical applications Designed by nature, with low allergenicity and fully compatible with the human body, gelatin has been Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS)

  3. CPHI 2019: Rousselot Biomedical presents a new study on X-Pure® | rousselot.com

    Why does endotoxin matter? Endotoxins, also referred to as “LPS” or Lipopolysaccharides, are large molecules that are found in the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria and have profound in vivo responses. They can form micelles/vesicles with high molecular weight. The human immune system can det

  4. Rousselot Biomedical Leaflets

    Download our application leaflets We have found 5 documents matching your search criteria Rousselot leaflet Gelatins for vaccine formulation Category: Biomedical Document type: PDF English Leaflet Rousselot X-Pure GelMA Category: Biomedical Document type: PDF English Leaflet Rousselot X-Pure for Reg


    Convenience meets functional benefits: SiMoGel gelatin solution for fortified gummies Rousselot’s latest SiMogel solution unlocks the potential of liquid-center functional gummies for the nutraceutical and pharmaceutical sectors. These center-filled soft gummies - also known as ‘gummy caps’ – can of

  6. Rousselot Selected to Support Athletes on the Road to the Olympic Games - Paris 2024

    Rousselot and Papendal began collaborating on various R&D projects relating to sports nutrition in 2015. The collaboration evolved further in 2019, with Rousselot becoming Papendal’s official supplier of collagen peptides, providing Dutch athletes with high quality nutritional support. In addition t

  7. Join Rousselot and the global food-tech innovation ecosystem at Future Food Tech

    Join Rousselot at Future Food Tech virtual summit Rousselot will be participating at Future Food-Tech Virtual Summit taking place on 31st September and 1st October. At the event 700+ C-Suite food brand executives, investors and entrepreneurs from around the globe will be working together to scale so

  8. Rousselot Health & Nutrition attends Vitafoods

    From Rousselot Functional Ingredients Conny Goossens, Sales and Distribution Manager EMEA Conny Goossens has been Rousselot EMEA Sales and Distribution Manager since April 2019. Conny is committed to understand the needs of our customers, to align our product expertise and to provide them with the r