We have found 409 documents matching your search criteria

  1. Peptan Marine from MSC-Certified Fisheries

    The MSC uses ecolabelling and fishery certification to ensure sustainable fishing practices, making sure that the ocean remains full of life for future generations. With this Peptan Marine, conscious consumers can enjoy the health benefits of Peptan, while supporting sustainable fishing. Read about

  2. Jobs and support for villagers in China

    In Wenzhou, China, our teams have worked with the government to create jobs in villages with few resources. By helping to provide farmers with jobs, Rousselot enables them to earn money and to stay in their native region. The skills they acquire help them improve their daily lives, too. Rousselot ha

  3. Reducing gas emissions thanks to new gas boilers

    This project: Improves the air quality Benefits neighbors, employees, and the climate Reduces the plant’s electricity consumption Learn more about our responsible production targets

  4. Wastewater treatment facilities at all sites

    With cleaner water at the end of our processes, and strict monitoring of all effluents through regular samplings, we can ensure our wastewater is clean. Learn more about our responsible production targets

  5. Promoting health, fitness, and feminity at the ‘RUN DES FILLES’

    A total of 600 people took part in this women-only race. The goal of the event is to promote femininity, community safety and well-being. It includes other activities like yoga, fitness workshops and music. SPONSORED BY PEPTAN Organized by event group BAM Sud-Est, the race was sponsored by Peptan, t

  6. Donating medical supplies to Beirut, Lebanon

    Working with a distributor and a non-governmental organization (NGO), we donated medical supplies to help two health centers provide free care to the many victims in South Beirut. PARTNERING WITH AL GHINA We worked together with the Al Ghina association, an active NGO, to support the Kfar Hamam Heal

  7. Turning wastewater into valuable fertilizer

    The wastewater from the Gerona plant has its own unique properties, including an abundance of ammonium and phosphate. We have implemented an innovative method to turn this difficult-to-treat wastewater into a sustainable resource for fertilizers. The process makes use of nutrients present in the was

  8. Patrons of the University of Girona

    Every year, we also have a role on the jury that awards the best dissertation/thesis prizes. By reinforcing connections between students and our industry, we offer young people the opportunity to gain valuable experience. "I did a Rousselot internship in 2007. Now, I’m an Operations Manager at the c

  9. Helping high schoolers in Dubuque

    Every year, employees representing various departments at our Dubuque plant take time to advise students of Dubuque High School on business-related topics. We help them to understand the world of work and industry and to work on their future professional integration. Promoting education is a key par

  10. Pushing ourselves forward

    This doesn’t just improve our employees’ performance, it qualifies them for more jobs, encouraging promotion from within and anchoring more and more expertise in our organization. 100% of staff receive a performance review Training programs are regularly organized either online or on site to help em