We have found 325 documents matching your search criteria

  1. Christophe Jauquet

    Christophe Jauquet Health Business Expert, Healthusiasm Christophe Jauquet is an internationally recognized author & keynote speaker. Before starting his own business, Christophe held various roles as an intrapreneur at Pfizer Inc., for which he received several global innovation awards. Later, he d

  2. Peptan and ProTake Infographics

    We have found 2 documents matching your search criteria Peptan P infographic Category: Health Document type: PDF English Spanish Chinese Japanese Portuguese Holistic wellbeing Category: Health Document type: PDF English 1

  3. How does Peptan contribute to joint health?

    We and other have provided clinical evidence that Peptan (and also Colartix) and collagen peptides, can support joint health by alleviating joint discomfort, promoting joint function and reducing inflammation. There are multiple potential applications since the target population may vary from athlet

  4. Webinar: “Optimizing Your Excipient Screening for Vaccine Formulation”

    As an excipient, gelatin is a key component in many vaccine formulations . Well-known examples include the Fluenz Tetra (Astra Zeneca), MMR-II and MMR VaxPro (Merck), VariVax (Merck), YF-Vax (Sanofi), and Zostavax (Merck) vaccines. In this webinar, we will elaborate gelatin’s functionalities as a pr