We have found 409 documents matching your search criteria

  1. Brazil's runners

    In Rousselot Brazil, ‘Peptan Runners’ is an example. In 2018, a group of colleagues there started running together, enjoying training and competing as friends. Now, the program has more than 50 participants. As Peterson Godoi, Sales Supervisor at Rousselot Brazil says, ‘Since joining the team I’ve b

  2. Promoting sports in Isle Sur La Sorgue plant, France

    This is one more way of promoting a healthy lifestyle at grass-roots level, while also strengthening connections between our company and the locals Read about Rousselot’s community engagement programs here

  3. Over 60 energy-saving projects

    Here are two: Using LED lighting and heat recovery pumps to reduce thermal and electricity consumption In Brazil, our plants are using solar energy sources Learn more about our responsible production targets

  4. Innovation is cross-disciplinary

    Cross-disciplinary, collaborative and flexible by default Innovation on today’s markets is cross-disciplinary by default. We attract scientific and technical profiles, who combine deep knowledge of their own particular specializations with an eagerness and ability to merge their insights with those

  5. Innovating responsibly

    Our Responsible Approach to Science At Rousselot, it is our priority to produce food, nutrition, pharmaceutical and medical products that are safe and of premium quality. As some of our products offer health benefits or can support new therapies, they need to be backed by strong scientific studies.

  6. Water, Energy, GHG reduction

    Protecting water The 6 th Sustainable Development Goal set by the United Nations is to ‘Ensure access to water and sanitation for all’. While a lot of progress has been made, the combination of limited freshwater resources worldwide and a rising global population makes this an urgent goal. At Rousse

  7. Innovation, a key to success and expansion - Rousselot global

    In 2023, Rousselot Innovation days spotlighted "The Future of Science," examining current scientific management practices and unveiling exciting possibilities for developing innovative, personalized solutions. Get a glimpse of these two days, watch our video! Video hosted on YouTube Elke De Clerck i

  8. Our approach and results

    Combining curiosity, creativity and urgency with a dynamic innovation program At Rousselot, innovation is not just about coming up with new collagen- and gelatin-based products. It is, first and foremost, a mindset that combines openness, curiosity and creativity with an awareness of the severe pres

  9. Janne Prawitt - Scientific Director Rousselot Health & Nutrition

    Meet our scientist: JANNE PRAWITT, Science Director Health & Nutrition INNOVATION MEANS LOOKING AT KNOWN ELEMENTS IN DIFFERENT WAYS Scientific Director Health & Nutrition MSc degree in Nutritional Sciences, PhD in Cell Biology Spent 10 years in fundamental research on metabolic diseases before joini

  10. Jos Olijve - Scientific Support Manager Rousselot

    Meet our scientist: JOS OLIJVE, Scientific Support Manager THE VOICE OF THE MARKET IS IMPORTANT Scientific Support Manager Background in Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Spent over 25 years as a Senior Engineer working on gelatin technologies before joining our Scientific Development team in 2012