We have found 325 documents matching your search criteria

  1. Peptan Marine from MSC-Certified Fisheries

    The MSC uses ecolabelling and fishery certification to ensure sustainable fishing practices, making sure that the ocean remains full of life for future generations. With this Peptan Marine, conscious consumers can enjoy the health benefits of Peptan, while supporting sustainable fishing. Read about

  2. Are there gelatins with Halal and/or Kosher certification?

    Yes, gelatins of bovine origin can be Halal- and/or Kosher-certified by recognized religious bodies. Our gelatin production plants with Halal and/or Kosher certification adhere to a strict set of rules and procedures and are regularly subjected to external inspections with regard to traceability, pr

  3. Meeting sports nutrition challenges at FIBO 2019 with PEPTAN® and PROTAKE™

    Promoting sports recovery with Peptan Peptan provide multiple health benefits for those who are looking to sustain a healthy lifestyle with regular and intense physical activity. With a unique nutritional profile, Peptan collagen peptides contains high levels of amino acids glycine, hydroxyproline,

  4. Reach a higher total collagen content with ProTake vs any other single-source protein

    A ProTake for your application Making your product perfect with ProTake Thanks to ProTake’s versatility, formulation characteristics, and dietary and nutritional benefits, you can make your products more innovative, tastier, and healthier than ever. From offering greater health and fitness benefits

  5. Turning wastewater into valuable fertilizer

    The wastewater from the Gerona plant has its own unique properties, including an abundance of ammonium and phosphate. We have implemented an innovative method to turn this difficult-to-treat wastewater into a sustainable resource for fertilizers. The process makes use of nutrients present in the was

  6. Peptan whitepaper: Beauty from within

    Rousselot carried out a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study to investigate Peptan B’s benefits on skin and hair beauty. Download whitepaper here. What's included: The beauty from within trend The role collagen in our skin and hair The clinical science that was carried out to

  7. Pushing ourselves forward

    This doesn’t just improve our employees’ performance, it qualifies them for more jobs, encouraging promotion from within and anchoring more and more expertise in our organization. 100% of staff receive a performance review Training programs are regularly organized either online or on site to help em

  8. Biomaterial: Gelatin and collagen are biomaterials designed by nature

    A protein of natural origin offering many different functionalities Gelatin is a biomaterial designed by nature. It is extracted from collagen, a natural protein found in animal bones and skin – generally beef and pork. Gelatin has been used in food applications since ancient history and in pharmace

  9. Making healthier products with ProTake

    One example of this is Protake TM , a pure protein that can be used to reformulate products with healthier nutritional profiles. With ProTake, you can: Reduce sugar and fat content Increase protein content Optimize your product’s taste profile Improve mouthfeel in low-fat dairy products With ProTake

  10. Helping high schoolers in Dubuque

    Every year, employees representing various departments at our Dubuque plant take time to advise students of Dubuque High School on business-related topics. We help them to understand the world of work and industry and to work on their future professional integration. Promoting education is a key par